Creating Memory Books for People with Dementia

October 13, 2023
November 5, 2022
Posted by
Bre'anna Wilson
November 5, 2022
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139 | Engagement vs. A Quiet Life in Dementia Care

Jul 24, 2024

T014 | Navigating Food Seeking & Overeating

Jun 21, 2024
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Originally posted in the Bambu Care Champions community.

Memory books provide a visual and textual record of a person's personal life history.

Memory books can be used as a:

  • Reminiscence tool
  • Conversation starter
  • Memory cue
  • Storytelling

What's in a memory book?

  • Meaningful cover photo
  • Photos related to the person's personal story
  • Simple phrase or sentence to describe each photo (in first person)
  • Place to write notes

Materials to make a memory book: 

  • 3-ring binder (this could also be a photo album)
  • Non-glare page protectors
  • White computer paper
  • Use black large-print black lettering (sans serif font) to print phrases/sentences on the paper
  • Meaningful photos
  • Pages for notes

Topics you can include:

  • Family ƒ
  • Key life events
  • Personality traits ƒ
  • Education
  • Religious/Spiritual ƒ
  • Favorite foods ƒ
  • Hobbies ƒ
  • Family pets
  • Travel locations
  • Accomplishments / Awards
  • Clubs / Organizations
  • Military history
  • Political involvement
  • Favorite music
  • Favorite movies
  • Favorite books

*this is not a complete list

Important: Never use a memory book to quiz your partner!

For example, do not say, "Do you remember the cat's name?" Instead say something like, "That is a cute cat! Look at its big eyes!"

Example memory book pages:

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